
Category: Blog

  • Community Needs Health Assessment



    2012 the Internal Revenue Service mandated that all non-profit hospitals undertake a community health needs assessment (CHNA) that year and every three years thereafter. Further, these hospitals need to file a report every year thereafter detailing the progress that the community is making towards meeting the indicated needs. This type of assessment is a prime…

  • Smoking Impacts Health Insurance Policy



    It’s a well-known fact that smoking causes an adverse effect on your health. You must have seen the warning message on all cigarette boxes – ‘Smoking is injurious to health’. Smoking tobacco is a root cause of 30% of all cancer deaths and causes 16 times higher risk of heart There is almost 120 million…

  • 5 Expert Insider Steps to Begin Transforming



    While yes, our team is born in a world of intense high athletic goals such as bodybuilding, it is not our goal to support people to become bodybuilders – FAR FROM IT!;-) So you can relax now!! But it IS our goal to share with you why the lessons from our experience of mastering human…

  • Health Care Fraud – The Perfect Storm



    Today, health care fraud is all over the news. There undoubtedly is fraud in health care. Thuisligbad The same is true for every business or endeavor touched by human hands, e.g. banking, credit, insurance, politics, etc. There is no question that health care providers who abuse their position and our trust to steal are a…

  • Syndrome and Political Nationalism in Nigeria



    Nigeria, the Giant of Africa, can boast of her salient Political Nationalists. They are sometimes called “Freedomites”. Most of our children in Schools are constantly reminded of their heroic deeds. But their evil deeds are often neglected. In fact, this article will argue that they all had an Ethnicity Syndrome, through the Tripartition policy of…

  • Spirituality and Politics Article 16



    Spirituality is simply what comes from within. What feels right for us, and that comes primarily from understanding who we are. There are things that feel right for us, things that don’t, things we want and things don’t want. Living spiritually does not mean sitting on a mountain top meditating, or divorcing ourselves from the…

  • How to Get $1.50 per Gallon Price Back, Save Us Economy



    One and a half hours is my usual commute time to my current work place. It takes forty-five miles to get there during winter storm it takes much, much longer… I certainly have enough time to listen to the Boston Public Radio (WBUR station), and my thoughts usually start with “WHY are we all sitting…